时间:2013年06月14日 11:30 发布人:顽童无忧 阅读:
友爱互助像家庭;Love and help each other as a family;
增长才智像学校;Increase knowledge as in a school;
纪律严明像军队。Keep strict discipline as a military.
管理最怕摆样子,执行最怕不到位, It is most dangerous and terrible that people in the company do the management just for show and perform a task inappropriately.
今天你为公司做了什么?What did you do for the company today?
向不良品宣战! Against the defective product!
向不良品要效益, Getting benefit from the defective product,
向不良品要奖金。 Getting money award from the defective product.
偶尔出单可能是运气, Getting order occasionally mostly depending on lucky
持续出单不可能靠运气 Getting continued order impossibly depending on fortune
过程和结果同等重要。 Process and result are equally important.
千里之行,始于足下。 The longest journey begins with the first step.
打造泡棉玩具第一品牌!Creating the NO.1 brand in foaming toys industry!
Xinzhengliang promises to provide the real valuable products and service to customers, under the premise of guaranteed product quality. For we believe that, only if the customers get benefits, can Xinzhengliang become better and have a bright future to go further.
增长才智像学校;Increase knowledge as in a school;
纪律严明像军队。Keep strict discipline as a military.

管理最怕摆样子,执行最怕不到位, It is most dangerous and terrible that people in the company do the management just for show and perform a task inappropriately.
今天你为公司做了什么?What did you do for the company today?

向不良品宣战! Against the defective product!
向不良品要效益, Getting benefit from the defective product,
向不良品要奖金。 Getting money award from the defective product.

偶尔出单可能是运气, Getting order occasionally mostly depending on lucky
持续出单不可能靠运气 Getting continued order impossibly depending on fortune
过程和结果同等重要。 Process and result are equally important.

千里之行,始于足下。 The longest journey begins with the first step.
打造泡棉玩具第一品牌!Creating the NO.1 brand in foaming toys industry!

Xinzhengliang promises to provide the real valuable products and service to customers, under the premise of guaranteed product quality. For we believe that, only if the customers get benefits, can Xinzhengliang become better and have a bright future to go further.

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